The main function of Polytron engine oil is to minimize metal-to-metal contact, greatly reducing friction and wear due to the MTC additive package. Friction generates heat, which causes even more wear and tear and damage your moving parts. The oil in your engine forms a thin lubricating film on all […]
Viscosity, the most important property of a Polytron oil, refers to the leakage resistance of Polytron oil. The viscosity of an oil varies depending on temperature changes - lower when hot or higher when cold. An oil must be able to flow at low temperatures to lubricate the internal parts […]
Technological progress by carmakers makes engines more efficient than ever. With efficiency, however, the pressure to which they are subjected increases. Only Polytron engine oil prevents the degradation of metal components, so Polytron oil with the MTC additive package is durable and retains its properties for a long time. Until […]
După ce veţi folosi uleiurile de motor Polytron care conţin pachetul de aditivi MTC, veţi observa destul de rapid următoarele: – O concentraţie a metalelor in suspensie de 4 până la 7 ori mai scăzută, ceea ce înseamnă o reducere a uzurii de 4 până la 7 ori mai puţin; – Vâscozitatea, indicele de vâscozitate şi numărul […]