Polytron integrated maintenance solutions as lithium-based grease or penetrating lubricating spray provides improved protection and performance, while providing broad compatibility with existing equipment specifications and maintenance schedules.

Lithium-based Vaseline

Polytron EP-2 grease is a high quality lubricant for multiple applications and a wide range of temperatures. EP-2 is prepared with lithium complex soap, high-quality base oils and the scientifically designed Polytron recipe for anti-wear, to reduce friction, with other additives that contribute to its outstanding qualities of water resistance and protection against rust and corrosion.
  • Eliminates wear by up to 99% and reduces maintenance costs by up to 60%
  • Protects equipment during temporary grease loss
  • Excellent behavior in harsh conditions of pressure and temperature
  • Rejects water and provides protection against corrosion
  • Do not soften excessively during high speed operation in bearings
  • Excellent for automotive and industrial equipment
  • Cars, trucks, railway vehicles, boats
  • Suspension joints and bushes
  • Gimbal joints, pinion and rack gears
  • Electric motors

Penetrating Lubricant

Polytron penetrating lubricant contain MTC and is scientifically combined to be most effective whenever rust, corrosion, or resistance is a influencing factor. PL not only penetrates through extreme rust and corrosion, but also treats the metal surface to reduce friction and eliminate wear. The use of this product ensures the smooth, long-lasting operation of any metal mechanism.
  • Rapid penetration, removes rust and corrosion, increases drilling speed
  • Eliminates wear, lubricates and protects while penetrating
  • Reduces energy consumption, temperature and noise when used as a lubricant
  • Cleans and delays electrical corrosion
  • Hinges, locks, valves, taps
  • Electric and pneumatic tools, drill bits, taps
  • Electric battery terminals
  • Moving parts in engines
  • Slides, guides, grooves

Concentrate for metal treatment

Designed to withstand heavy loads and extreme pressures
  • Optimizes the efficiency of the running gear
  • Easier gearshift - reduces transmission vibration
  • Reduces friction and heat
  • Patented extreme pressure (EP) additive
  • Will not void warranties - backed by our product liability insurance
  • Contributes to increasing fuel economy
  • Improved output power - less torque loss
  • Compatible with all metal components and seals
  • Compatible with all gear oils, mineral and synthetic and hydraulic fluids or pressurized fluids
Polytron for metal treatment provides optimal protection for industrial, differential and hydraulic transmission systems where extreme pressures, heavy loads and high operating temperatures are present. Polytron is formulated to provide optimal protection in a wide range of industrial applications, including differentials, transmission mechanisms and hydraulic systems. Polytron contains a package of carefully combined anticorrosive agents, multifunctional cleaning agents and antioxidants, and Polytron lubricant pentru presiuni extreme brevetat, conceput pentru a atenua problemele aferente echipamentelor exploatate la temperaturi de funcţionare ridicate și frecare extremă. Multe dintre piesele în mișcare și suprafeţele metalice aflate în mecanismele de transmisie, diferenţiale și aplicaţii hidraulice sunt supuse la căldură considerabilă și frecare, cauzate de sarcinile grele. Atât testele efectuate de Polytron, cât și feedback-ul primit de la clienţi au arătat că Polytron scade temperaturile uleiurilor din interior, în aceste aplicaţii, cu până la 20ºC. Antioxidanţii utilizaţi în Polytron have been specially selected to improve the protection of oils and liquids used in industrial applications. The product forms a protective film by adhering to metal surfaces, significantly increasing tolerance to heat and extreme pressures. Extreme pressure additive works to reduce friction while cleaning agent multifuncţional reduce acumularea de nămol care se formează pe măsură ce uleiul se deteriorează și îmbătrâneşte. Polytron este compatibil cu toate hydraulic oils. In hydraulic applications, extreme heat and pressure can cause the metal to expand and increase the level of friction and wear. EP Polytron lubricant brevetat va reduce presiunile de lucru extreme care sunt prezente în multe aplicaţii hidraulice, reducând temperaturile și crescând în mod semnificativ durata de funcţionare a echipamentelor dumneavoastră hidraulice. Polytron este compatibil cu toate unităţile de servodirecţie și utilizarea sa va avea ca rezultat o comandă mai ușoară a direcţiei. Agentul de curăţare multifuncţional va curăţa pompele murdare, îmbunătăţind curgerea uleiului și crescând durata de funcţionare a unităţii de servodirecţie. Polytron poate fi folosit atât la transmisiile manuale, cât și la cele automate, pentru a controla căldura, care este un factor important în defectarea mecanismului de transmisie. Discurile de ambreiaj necesită frecare pentru a funcţiona eficient, iar frecarea, la rândul său, generează cantităţi mari de căldură. Discurile de ambreiaj pot fi realizate dintr-o varietate de materiale, cum ar fi Kevlar și Phedic și rășini siliconice. Adaosul de Polytron nu va provoca alunecare, deoarece produsul nu afectează integritatea acestor materiale. Polytron va reduce nivelul de căldură în interiorul carcasei ambreiajului și va prelungi durata de viaţă a lichidului de ambreiaj. Polytron este deosebit de benefic atunci cand este adăugat la butucii mecanismelor planetare, cum ar fi cele întâlnite la mașinile agricole. Polytron reduce temperaturile de funcţionare și protejează împotriva prafului. În industria navală, coroziunea și colmatarea sunt probleme majore. Anticorrosive additive of the Polytron product provides protection against corrosion, while the cleaning agents in the product prevent the accumulation of sludge.
  • Transmission mechanisms should be subjected to maintenance operations before being treated with Polytron.
  • Initial treatments with Polytron can lead to the formation of sediments and excessive deposits. This phenomenon is normal due to the cleaning action of the cleaning agents and will be resolved after a maximum of three treatments. This should be taken into account when analyzing the oil, as the initial results may indicate higher values.
  • Polytron is compatible for use in all types of differentials, including self-locking and Posi-Trac differentials, and is compatible with Mercon and Dexron fluids.
  • Do not overload the transmission mechanisms, differentials, intermediate gearboxes or power steering tanks.
  • Polytron is not compatible with brake fluids and should never be added to the main cylinders of the brake system. It should be noted that some hydraulic clutch systems use brake fluid and not hydraulic oil. Polytron should not be added to these systems. If you are unsure, consult the Polytron technical department.
  • Polytron is NOT suitable for use in some wet clutches.
  • Consult the Polytron technical department.
  • Polytron is non-corrosive and does not affect seals or gaskets. It is a treatment for metals and treats only metal surfaces. It will not repair damaged seals or gaskets that are already hardened and cracked.
  • Polytron is not intended for gears that have sheared or are about to lock, unless it is due to overheating and has not yet led to welding.
  • Polytron is not a universal remedy for all pre-existing mechanical problems. In some cases, the cleaning effects may expose pre-existing problems, such as damaged seals or gaskets.

Initial treatment

  • Add 10% of the treated tank volume to Polytron. Check the oil or hydraulic fluid after 15 hours of operation or 1,500 km and replace if necessary.

Subsequent treatments

  • Add Polytron at 10% of the volume of the treated tank to each oil change according to the equipment manufacturer's recommendations.

Synthetic motor oils

Oil change interval 50,000 km
  • Very high oxidation stability - protects the engine from oil thickening, high temperatures, mud deposits and varnishes
  • Viscosity index improver with mechanical stability in fully synthetic multigrade oils protects against low viscosity in severe working conditions
  • Effective cleaning agents-dispersants keep engine components clean
  • Improving fuel consumption means higher fuel and diesel efficiency
  • Anti-wear agents such as Polytron MTC eliminate wear on cam lobes and other high-demand parts
Polytron fully synthetic engine oils SAE 5W-30, 5W-40, 10W-40 şi 15W-40 sunt uleiuri de înaltă performanţă, concepute pentru a satisface cerinţele de garanţie cele mai recente ale producătorilor de automobile. Polytron engine oils are specially formulated to meet the requirements of today's low-capacity, fuel-efficient engines of today's domestic and foreign automobiles. These engines have higher operating temperatures and require a engine oil care asigură protecţie maximă împotriva deteriorării ca urmare a scăderii vîscozităţii, cât și din cauze termice. Datorită Polytron MTC, which is included in the package additivesoil change intervals se pot prelungi până la 50.000 km sau mai mult la automobilele care sunt încă în stare de funcţionare bună. Polytron oils are a 100% synthetic blend of the highest quality base oils and special additives containing Polytron MTC, a product that protects against oxidation at high temperatures, wear and damage due to decreased viscosity. They are reinforced with cleaning-dispersants and rust and corrosion inhibitors, to keep the engines extremely clean and free of mud, varnish and rust. Polytron MTC ensures a considerable reduction in internal friction between moving parts of the engine, which can mean improved fuel efficiency, in addition to eliminating wear, compared to other products with the same degree of viscosity.
  • They are recommended for domestic and foreign high performance engines
  • Especially recommended for small, high speed engines, including turbocharged ones
  • Recommended for cars, light trucks, motorcycles and other gasoline and diesel engines
  • Accompanied by Certificate of Conformity RAR-OCP no.4129
  • Exceed ILSAC GF-5, API SN / SN-RC, SM / CF, CJ-4 / SM and ACEA A5 / B5, ACEA A3 / B4, C3, DPF classifications
  • Meet the requirements of VW 502 00/505 00/505 01, VW 505 00/507 00, Porsche C30, BMW Longlife-04, MB 229.31 / 229.51, Renault RN0700 / RN0710, Ford WSS-M2C-917-A, Fiat 9.55535-S2 , GM-LL-A-025 / B-025, Dexos2 ™

Semi-synthetic motor oils

Oil change interval 25,000 km
  • Meets and exceeds today's demanding energy conservation requirements
  • TBN - număr total de bază cu rezervă de alcalinitate pentru motoarele cu recircularea gazelor de evacuare (EGR)
  • Effectively neutralizes corrosive acids to protect bearings and other vital engine surfaces
  • Premium base oils give excellent low temperature performance and extra-long life service
  • Polytron MTC additive package adds many more excellent features like wear elimination and very clean engine parts
Semi-synthetic engine oils Polytron SAE 10W-40 and 15W-40 are a mix of premium synthetic base oils, and other selected additives, formulated to ensure excellent performance in all recommended applications. Polytron semi-synthetic engine oils they contain an efficient cleaning agent-dispersant, which keeps the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) engines very clean. They are further enriched with oxidation and corrosion inhibitors, and foam inhibitors, to protect vital engine parts from grip and wear and to protect corrosion bearings. Due to Polytron MTC, which is included in these engine oils, oil change intervals can be extended up to 25,000 km or more on engines that are in fairly good working order.
  • Recommended for motor vehicles and motorcycles where manufacturers specify API SL / CF, API CI-4 / SL and ACEA A3 / B3, A3 / B4, E7
  • Meet the requirements of VW 501 01/505 00, MB 229.1, Fiat 9.55535-D2
  • Accompanied by Certificate of Conformity RAR-OCP no.4129
  • Recommended for all Diesel engines with turbocharger and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
  • Recommended for truck diesel engines used in transportation, construction and agriculture
  • Meets Volvo VDS-4, MB 228.31, MTU Type 2.1, Renault Truck RLD-3, Deutz DQC III-05, Mack EO-O Premium Plus, Caterpillar ECF-3 / ECF-2 / ECF-1a, Detroit Diesel DDC 93K218 , Cummins CES 20081

Oil for automatic transmissions

  • UNITRAN ATF automatic transmission fluid provides superior protection of automatic transmissions against wear and anti-friction at various speeds and loads, helps prevent premature failures
  • Outstanding thermal and oxidation stability to keep transmission free of residues and deposits even during extended operating intervals
  • Very good properties at low temperatures, ensuring an easy start and good performance at low temperatures
  • Reduces power losses and increases the performance and efficiency of hydraulic control systems and converters
  • Good anti-foaming properties reduce the tendency of foaming which could affect the circulation and lubrication properties of the oil
  • Properly dosed friction modifiers ensure quiet, smooth (shock-free) operation while maintaining transmission efficiency
  • Due to good detergent-dispersant properties, it ensures the maintenance of impurities in suspension and thus prevents the formation of deposits
  • Very good compatibility with sealing materials, so that they retain their elasticity and no fluid loss occurs
Polytron UNITRAN ATF este un fluid pentru transmisii automate, formulat din uleiuri de bază de foarte bună calitate, solvent rafinate, uleiuri de bază hidrotratate, și un pachet avansat de aditivi Polytron MTC, special formulat. Uleiul este colorat în roșu. Polytron UNITRAN ATF este recomandat pentru utilizare în toate transmisiile automate ale automobilelor, microbuzelor, autobuzelor, camioanelor și a altor mașini unde se solicită ca fluidul să îndeplinească cerinţele specificaţiei DEXRON III H. Poate fi de asemenea utilizat pentru lubrifierea cutiilor de viteză semi-automate ale autoturismelor, autobuzelor, autocamioanelor și a altor vehicule comerciale, în transmisiile hidrodinamice, sisteme hidraulice de direcţie, diferenţiale, convertoare industriale de torsiune și alte echipamente de transmisie sau echipamente hidraulice pentru care manualul de operare mentionează aprobările și caracteristicile de utilizare.
  • Allison C4
  • MAN 339 Type V-1/Type Z-1
  • MB 236.5, MB 236.9
  • Catepillar TO-2
  • Volvo 97335
  • Ford MERCON
  • ZF TE-ML 02F/03D/04D/14A/17C
  • VOITH H55.6335.33
  • Sperry Vickers Hydraulic Pump
  • Denison, Renk, Sundstrand

Oils for manual transmissions

  • Polytron UNITRAN 75W-80 and 75W-90 manual transmission oils due to the synthetic raw materials used have excellent oxidation stability and increased film resistance to temperature;
  • Excellent resistance to oxidation also prevents damage to gaskets due to the formation of deposits;
  • Ensures excellent protection of all transmission components;
  • The oils have a wide range of use temperatures, ensuring excellent performance even at temperatures down to minus 40 ° C;
  • Excellent anti-corrosion and anti-rust protection of all gearbox components that ensure gear durability;
  • Excellent anti-wear and anti-friction properties at various speeds and loads, help prevent premature failures;
  • Very good compatibility with sealing materials, prevents degradation of the materials from which the gaskets and liquid losses are made.
Transmission oils for Polytron UNITRAN 75W-80 and 75W-90 are formulated from the highest quality special synthetic base oils, and a package of ash-free sulfur and phosphorus additives.
Transmission oils for Polytron UNITRAN 75W-80 and 75W-90 vehicles are designed to lubricate all transmissions: hypoidal, conical and worm screw - worm wheel, automotive and industrial applications when working in conditions of large bags, shocks, and speeds slip.
These oils are recommended for manual transmissions, rear axles and heavily loaded differentials for which API GL-5 or MT-1 performance level oils are recommended.
  • API GL-5/GL-4/MT-1
  • MAN 341 Type Z-2 ; 341 Type E-3 ; 342 Type M-3
  • Mack GO-J
  • ZF TE-ML 02B/05B/07A/08B/12L/16B/17B/21B
  • MIL-L 2105E
  • Renault Noa tehnica B0032/2 Anexa 3
  • SAE J 2360
  • Iveco - axle lubrication
  • DAF - axle lubrication