The Polytron research team, in collaboration with major suppliers of refinery additives, has developed a series of fuel additives, to meet the quality, contamination, emissions and performance of both petrol and diesel.

Diesel Fuel Conditioner

It offers the optimal solution for low quality diesel and for fuel system deposits
  • Substantial improvement in fuel economy
  • Superior injector and fuel system cleaning
  • Increased cetane
  • Decreased emissions and black smoke
  • Enhanced lubricity
  • Excellent corrosion control
  • Excellent demulse and haze control
  • Significantly extended injector life
Polytron diesel additive is an advanced treatment for diesel fuel system, formulated using state-of-the-art technology, to provide the industry with the optimal solution for deposits in the lower quality diesel and diesel fuel system. Diesel additive is the first of a new generation of fuel treatments, integrating a modern, proactive approach to prevention with the conventional reactive approach currently favored by additives and fuel treatment manufacturers in the accessory market. This makes that Polytron diesel additive să fie prima soluţie pentru carburanţi cu adevărat inteligentă. Elaborarea aditivului pentru motorină este rezultatul unor cercetări de înaltă calitate și al analizei privind aditivii actuali de rafinare și cei adăugaţi în conducte, utilizaţi de industria petrochimică în fluxurile de producţie a motorinei pentru comercializare en gros şi cu amănuntul. Deoarece Polytron diesel additive is an integrated fuel treatment package, the product works proactively to improve the quality of diesel and prevent the formation of deposits, while also working in a similar way to conventional diesel treatments, helping to alleviate major problems, such as corrosion, poor fuel efficiency and high emissions, resulting from problems with diesel quality and deposits.
Polytron diesel additive is an integrated treatment package designed to bring significant, immediate and measurable improvements to the functional profile of a wide range of diesel flows. Diesel additive a fost dezvoltat pentru a avea siguranţa că fluxul de motorină nu numai că va îndeplini, dar va depăși cerinţele ASTM D975 - Specificaţii standard de lubrifiere pentru motorină, un element esenţial pentru orice operator de motor Diesel. Polytron va îmbunăţi și va spori funcţionalitatea motorinei în următoarele zone:
  • Increase the base fuel’s cetane number
  • Improve the fuel’s ability to lubricate; particularly the fuel pump and top end
  • Provide oxidation stability
  • Prevent filter blocking
  • Reduce the presence of water and sediments
  • Protect against metal corrosion
  • Significantly reduce foaming particularly when using hi-flow diesel fuel pumps
  • Cleanup and prevent both carbonaceous and zinc deposit types in both DI and IDI engines
Polytron diesel additive proactively improves the functional characteristics of all basic diesel qualities, offering operators a wide range of benefits, which will ensure:
  • Large, measurable reductions in pollutant emissions, in particular NOx, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and particulate matter
  • Reducing black and white smoke emissions that occur during normal engine start-up and operation
  • Extending the service life of fuel injectors and pumps
  • Significant improvements to injector deposits on DI and IDI engines
  • Optimization of engine power, resulting in reduced engine noise and failures
  • Reducing the formation of sludge in the tank
  • Measurable increases in fuel efficiency
  • Reducing foaming and fuel leakage while filling the tank at high flow

Initial treatment

  • To get the most out of your Polytron diesel additive, you should use an initial "cleaning" treatment of 2 ml / liter of diesel for the first 25 hours of operation or 1,500 km. This ensures that any existing zinc or carbon deposits are removed from the fuel system.

Permanent treatment

  • The fuel must then be treated with 1 ml / liter of fuel. Contact our technical support department for further recommendations on treatment doses.

Gasoline Fuel Conditioner

Provides maximum performance and efficiency for gasoline engines.
  • Improves mileage and performance
  • Reduces friction and wear
  • Maximises power and compression
  • Optimises engine performance
  • Cleans and lubricates carburettors, injectors, rotary fuel pumps and the top end
  • Compatible with leaded and unleaded petrols
  • Improves cold start
  • Keeps fuel tanks and fuel lines water and fungus free - extending the life of fuel
  • Pure petroleum based
  • Formulated to prevent corrosion
  • Will not void warranties - backed by our product liability insurance
Polytron gasoline additive is a complex blend of petrochemicals, designed to oxygenate and improve the combustion characteristics of fuel (with or without lead), regardless of the octane number. It is formulated for use on any petrol or alcohol-powered engines (even propane and natural gas). Gasoline additive improves the smoothness of the fuel, covering all metal surfaces in the entire fuel system and the top of the engine with a protective layer, reducing friction and wear. Polytron va acoperi întreaga parte superioară (injectoare, carburatoare, bujii şi supape) și pompele de carburant cu molecule, prevenind acumularea de hidrocarburi și crescând durata de viaţă a motorului. Polytron îmbunătăţește structura de ardere, prin creșterea temperaturii și cantităţii de oxigen disponibil în combustibil. Aceasta înseamnă că, atunci când combustibilul arde, oxigenul a fost deja introdus în compoziţia chimică a combustibilului și devine o componentă esenţială. Rezultatul net este faptul că combustibilul se aprinde și arde mai repede, la temperatură mai ridicată și mai complet, astfel încât se eliberează mai multă energie. În ceea ce privește emisiile, aceasta înseamnă că nivelurile de monoxid de carbon (CO) și de hidrocarburi (HC) vor fi reduse dramatic.
  • The process of cleaning the tank and fuel lines can clog the fuel filters. It is recommended that you check the fuel filters after the first two tanks when using Polytron and replace them if necessary.
  • Using smaller amounts than recommended will reduce the effectiveness.
  • Most modern cars today can run very well on regular unleaded gasoline using Polytron.
  • Polytron petrol additive is non-corrosive.

Initial treatment

  • To get the maximum benefits from Polytron gasoline additive, pentru primele 25 ore de funcţionare sau 1.500 km ar trebui să utilizaţi un tratament iniţial de "curăţare" de 2 ml/litru de benzină. Astfel vă asiguraţi că orice depuneri existente de zinc sau de carbon sunt eliminate din sistemul de alimentare cu carburant.

Permanent treatment

  • The fuel must then be treated with 1 ml / liter of fuel. Contact our technical support department for further recommendations on treatment doses.