Because Polytron diesel additive is an integrated fuel treatment package, the product works proactively to improve the quality of diesel and prevent the formation of deposits, while also working in a similar way to conventional diesel treatments, helping to alleviate major problems, such as corrosion, poor fuel efficiency and high emissions, resulting from problems with diesel quality and deposits.
- Substantial improvement in fuel economy
- Superior injector and fuel system cleaning
- Increased cetane
- Decreased emissions and black smoke
- Enhanced lubricity
- Excellent corrosion control
- Excellent demulse and haze control
- Significantly extended injector life
Functional benefits
- Increase the base fuel’s cetane number
- Improve the fuel’s ability to lubricate; particularly the fuel pump and top end
- Provide oxidation stability
- Prevent filter blocking
- Reduce the presence of water and sediments
- Protect against metal corrosion
- Significantly reduce foaming particularly when using hi-flow diesel fuel pumps
- Cleanup and prevent both carbonaceous and zinc deposit types in both DI and IDI engines
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