- Engineered for internal combustion engines including two-stroke
- Reduces friction and wear - Optimises engine performance
- Compatible with all mineral and synthetic oils
- Will not void warranties - backed by our product liability insurance
- Pure petroleum based
- Does not contain solids, Teflon ™ or other corrosive elements
- Formulated to prevent corrosion
Engine Treatment
Cleans, lubricates and protects
Polytron for engine treatment is a unique metal treatment product, 100% pure petroleum based, which is compatible with all mineral and synthetic oils. It is specially designed for use in all engines Diesel, on gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
Polytron conţine antioxidanţi care măresc toleranţa uleiului de motor la temperaturi de funcţionare ridicate. Aceasta are ca rezultat o lubrifiere sporită pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp. Produsul este necoroziv și este compatibil cu toate metalele și etanșările motorului. Deoarece Polytron nu conţine lubrifianţi solizi, acesta nu produce nămolul specific altor produse.
Polytron ajută la întreruperea ciclului de căldură cauzată de frecare. Frecarea constantă poate provoca în cele din urmă defectarea motorului. Pe măsură ce temperatura uleiului de motor crește, acesta devine mai subţire și curge departe de sursa de căldură. Polytron este conceput pentru a asigura un protective layer on all metal surfaces inside the engine. This protective layer provides a constant protection especially during cold starts, when engine oil it was deposited at the bottom of the bathroom.
- A quieter and smoother engine with a lighter and quicker throttle response
- An increase in top-end RPM
- Less decrease in speed while hill-climbing requiring fewer gear changes
- Easier cold weather starting reducing wear and tear on engines
- Releasing of piston rings that are fouled or frozen from hydrocarbon residue
- Reduction in oil consumption
- Reduced oil contaminates increasing oil protection resulting in less downtime
- Maximising of compression and horsepower especially noted whilst towing or hill climbing
- Improvement in fuel efficiency
- Reduction in Hydrocarbon residue allowing smoother piston movement
- Significant reduction in: Black and White smoke, Particulates, NOx and other greenhouse gases
- Polytron will not undo pre-existing wear, but could help extend engine life
- When using Polytron for the first time on older machines or machines with an unknown operating history, it is important to follow the instructions in "initial treatment”on the product label.
- When performing the oil analysis, the first few samples after the addition of Polytron may show high values. This phenomenon is normal and occurs as a result of the cleaning action of the product. Further oil analysis will indicate substantial reductions in particle values.
- While Polytron can be added to oil in any condition, its abilities will be enhanced when added to fresh, clean oil.
- You must be careful not to overload the engine.
- The addition of Polytron can increase the idle speed due to reduced friction. Adjust the idle speed to the setting recommended by the equipment manufacturer.
- Turbochargers - Polytron will reduces friction and heat related to turbochargers and will prevent carbon buildup.
- Polytron is not a universal remedy for mechanical problems. In some cases, the cleaning effects of Polytron may expose pre-existing problems, such as seals or damaged gaskets.
- Polytron for engine treatment It is compatible with any type of metal components and seals.
Initial treatment
- Add Polytron in 10% of the volume of the bath, using the existing oil. Run the engine for approximately 1,200 km or 8 hours before changing oil and replacing the oil filter.
Subsequent treatments
- Add 10% of the bath volume to each oil change according to the engine manufacturer's recommendations.